Monday, March 8, 2010

The UFO of Leonardo da Vinci

 Report: 102.
A man can be a Genius and can be extraordinary, but cannot have an imagination of the future. Impossible!
You cannot imagine a technological object; we will take five hundred years from now.
Thirty years ago there were no computers, color monitors, flat panels, thin, like a leaf. Mobile phones with digital camera in, was ten years ago still far from reality.
Today we have the I-Phone with touchable screen, and are handled with a touch of your finger.
What will we have tomorrow? There, yet end de human capacity to predict something, not speaking, if we could perform.
Leonardo built an UFO. Yes, at least as a painting model, but not from his imagination.
That is simply not possible. But it is possible to mimic anything, if he had seen them nearby and probably more than once. He was witness to UFO sightings.
That is clear.
It was in the years 1427 in ahead, because this date is the year of his birth.
Can you describe any device that was used in 2600? No.
Leonardo did so, because he had sightings, and perhaps had secret literature available. The two forms of information have inspired him tremendously.
Abstract. Leonardo was a tireless teacher of inventing, or discovering the logic of mathematics, and technology of things seen in books and some, as in the case of UFOs, flying things in front, or on it.
Always UFOs was here on earth, and some who were already inspired, not feared, but sought to discover the operation of these devices.
 Josef Bauer
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1 comment:

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