Report: # 116
The UFO of seven mountains near Curuguaty, a city in Paraguay, reveals the secrets of its form, and its measures. The shape is typical of a flying saucer with a symmetrical shape.
The floor was flat with a diameter of approx. seven meter and eighty centimeters.
The walls heights were approx. two meters without give them importance to the aerodynamics designs of an airplane or car. Then he begins to curve with a height of one meters and a half to go about forming a dome of two meters in height and a diameter of approx. two meters. In total it has a height of five meters and a half.
The relationship between diameter and height of a UFO of this type are as follows: the diameter is the height multiplied by 1.41515,
or height is the diameter divided by 1.41515
The images outlined the perfectly symmetrical of the object, and the body of the device. You can also see the aura that surrounds the object.
The first time it looks so clear in the graphics filters used, which is the form of the device, how is occulting the aura of energy the object and how it is flying vertically. What means the vertical tilt?
The device does not fly on its axis horizontal?
No, they fly vertically in a horizontal flight. How is it possible? Thus, if a plane would fly up ninety degrees and moves forward in a horizontal direction.
A plane can do?
Not in upward direction. Down a few seconds before it crashed, but never one meter in horizontal direction.
Because it depends on the aerodynamics!
What is that?
The curved wings produce a boost from the bottom up, and over the wings produces a small vacuum, which lifts the plane up.
The two forces together, the effect of the wings, and turbine thrust, they keep them in the air.
It can never stand still in the air. Only these three forces together can prevent that the force of gravity gets the power over the mass of the aircraft and only when it is in movement.
The UFO moves itself with other energy as we known. That is another form of energy properties with others characteristic who may be just because of their otherness also used differently.
There are no signs of aerodynamics. The air don't slows it down and therefore don't heat the appliance, because there is no friction between the appliance and air.
There is no gravity! There is no friction.
Between our dimension and the dimension in which the UFO is moving there is no physical contact!
If you don't use propellers or turbo engines that keep you in the air, then you have to use any invisible force like magnetism for their displacement and a force to maintain the flying object in the air without being exposed to the phenomena of gravity.
View this product means so much that you cannot describe it in a nutshell.
The force of gravity can be overridden. How many physical laws broken by this? How many new laws were discovered? What energy is used?
I said as long as he sees smoke coming from a vehicle, while viewing a mirror to the side, while using "wipers" and while oil is loaded in the various holes in iron, such as motor box not yet completed the phase of technical and physical findings.
UFO's transport system, without knowing exactly what energy is used and which physical law was invented, shows that we are totally wrong about everything, but with all the scientific postulates.
Religion must be reformed to include life on other planets and possibly in the near future the wild life on our planet as creatures with soul and senses.
The situation of god is complicated. He has to retire or expand over all the matter equally. But it can never be a god for this earth and only for a part of this humanity.
There is not a world with blessed life, and made of God, and Mars, or any other planet in the universe, without the presence and the blessing of God.
The written history hidden more than it tells us.
We know of five thousand years of our past. What son five thousand years?
That’s nothing. The earth has 4.5 billion years and one billion years after the formation of the earth, d there was life on earth.
The sciences of medicine, biology, astronomy, philosophy, physics and chemistry have to start again.
We see an apparatus with the weight of a truck; it stays in the air, in silence, inclined to side as he wants, speeding or still and not falling and crashing into the ground. Magic not exist, but there are new technologies.
They, no matter who they are, people from here or from other planets, they are showing that there is more to discover.
But we must also ask, who decides to what level the common man can find information about new discoveries.
Until reading and writing was banned recently. And where not prohibited is not encouraged. Why there are so many Illiterate just where the land is more fertile, In Latin America and Africa?
Why first world countries do not help poor countries with the development of education. What salary gets a teacher in an underdeveloped country? They gain two hundred dollars per month. With a missile less, with one day less of war could be built in a year, all necessary classes and pay all the teachers.
But a developed intellectual people think for themselves and no more is left to manipulate. A herd of sheep is easier to run as a society informed and prepared.
Always someone was afraid that people discover the truth, the truth about the world.
Adam ate the apple yet. It’s a Lie that he bit the apple. Now is the time of heavy biting the apple of the Garden of Eden. I mean the apple of knowledge.
It is a lie that we were expelled from the divine Garden of Eden. They never let us go in. We were never inside. It is time to eat the apple that Eve offered us, to complete our knowledge with hidden information.
Knowing everything and everyone knows, we could enter and settle into Eden, the Garden offered by god.
Josef Bauer
Link to my Report : The UFO, which I photographed in Curuguaty
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