Report: # 099
The Olmecs are, or rather were an isolated village in the Mexican jungle. Luckily there is always, and there, with the growth of a culture is the desire to express in artistic form.
Rulers always sought the most outstanding artists who make works of art, where they appear the same, or something or some event, which represents them. Thus we have evidence of ancient cultures which without these works of art would be forgotten. It is not known with certainty the origin of the Olmecs. Not much is known of their religion, although there is talk of a sun god and as it might be different, the jaguar was a sacred animal, or the statue of a divine force.
It is not known how they lived in relation to its neighbors. His influence spans several countries. Important was the defense of their territories. They were athletes in sport and feared soldiers in the war.
They were fearful for their robust stature and possibly their secret weapon. They had tech weapon. Some contact with gods of the sun, which always is the symbol of gods who can fly with their bright discs, facilitates the safe use of devices of unknown origin but probably from the same gods. A small group of elite soldiers were equipped with these weapons.
Josef Bauer
3 comentarios:
Wow this really helped me with my presentation on The Olmecs!!!
Dear Beata.Dear Dianna
What weapons are there? Stabbing, bludgeoning weapons, firearms? what kind resembles the weapon in the hand of the huge Atlantes of Tulus? (My theory is that the Olmecs were the elect of de gods and the Olmecs, who get these weapons. After the collapse of the Olmecs, Toltecs took over the leadership and the long hidden weapons of Olmecs. Here in these statues one sees the Toltecs! )
I think here we see a wonderful proof of the application of high technology in earlier cultures.
Please read the other posts about this topic.
Thank you for your praise.
Josef Bauer
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