Individuals, living side by side in the bed of a dry river on Mars.
In this report we show Martian life. No, it's life, as we generally know it, but there are parallels here on earth, in the form minuscule, but enough so that scientists can study.
Scientists see this form of life found on Earth, that Mars could have this lifestyle too.
To date, there is no clear definition, and determining what is life. Perhaps we can never describe in words which is life. We have in our classification of life, very few words, and too few comparisons.
Our egocentric thought, let us not jump yet our shadow, and do not want to get in a long line of life forms that are possible in the universe. We want to be above, or at least first, in this row.
The day will come, where biologists, geologists, and other scientists of new sciences have to proclaim new descriptions, new names, and functions, and adaptations of life forms, to us unknown environments.
Let's go by my description, and at the end of this report I put texts from a site with a really interesting description of life forms.
In these images we see something like a channel or bed of a dry river. This channel runs roughly in a direction likely to sink into a crater and continues on the other side, or from the other side toward the crater.
I can not precisely determine the direction of river flow or a lava, which ran through this channel. I think, that ran from the left side to the right side of the picture, with interruptions, caused by erosion.
The interesting thing is the occupation of the dry riverbed.
The channel is occupied with a colony of individuals
Those are placed in string, one beside the other. They can not be sand dunes or remains of a cumulative erosion over millions of years.
Never, these individuals come from an erosion of this environment on Mars. Erosion drag using the gravitational force, ie solid material is dragged down places at lower levels.
Any run of water, lava or earthquake landslide, thawed treatment, or just freezing material that has accumulated moisture can come loose material, but always run to places below.
The force of gravity, the laws of physics, which, apparently, are the same as here on earth, do not allow other direction.
Well, what about the wind?
Yes, the wind can come from two main sides of the equator opposite directions. North wind and South wind are usually the ones with force to erode the land and its derivatives, such as buildings, bricks, walls and other constructions.
The wind can not be changed at a place below the surface, like a crater, or a bed of a river, where the walls protect this place from the wind.
Neither the wind can change its direction in its route in meters away, and as an artist carve similar examples over hundreds or thousands of meters. In addition, at locations around the globe.Note, these lines, for me, beings, or living plants are never on the line, parallel to the logical direction of a possible erosion due to climatic factors, and environmental increments. They are always placed in a ninety degree angle. What does that mean?
Farmers in Japan and in Brazil, you know, they are contour lines in areas with agricultural cultures. For the readers who have no knowledge of agricultural crops on steep terrain, I explain in a few words, what they are, these contours.
Dry rice plantations, not sown under water is terraced. In case of rain, the strength of a heavy rain moves very slow, to places at levels below, for each scale on the ground, it stops and gives the soil time to absorb so much moisture, as it is possible.
In Brazil it is the same in places more extensive to prevent erosion. lead the sandy soil erosion in a few years down the land or directly into rivers. for this reason, the rivers become in every rain red, because they are filled with eroded soil.
Looking at pictures of Mars, and I was surprised many times, this grouping against the laws of gravitation.
Something dead, like a dune can not face over the strength of this gravitation and erosion. Only a living thing can oppose these forces, and use the run, and erosion forces for their own empowerment. What may be a naturally utilization? Logically, the absorption of elements. Mainly water. Water which occasionally may run on these channels, a lesser or greater amount, will be filtered in this way to the maximum.
We're back with the word "filter". As in the previous report Tell me where you live, and I tell you who you are ..., a filter has to deal with maximum force, with the largest area possible, against the flow of liquid, filtering is required.
If would be placed in parallel would not be able take advantage of an eventual sporadic flow of a liquid, from rain, mist or ice thawing. These evidences are a clear signal that these lives vegetable or mineral or a mixture of biological life with the mineral, have sensors, are living cells, with the ability to absorb and retain moisture in the cells.
We see an organization against the enormous force of gravity, and opposed to erosion. Mainly erosion are climate effects. With the help of a factor, which is the time, and weather environmental changes occur.
Throughout, the tendency is to fill voids and low spots with soil, and sediment. Without spaces.
Erosion and time, put a lid from oblivion, to errors made from chaos, and made of the inhabitants of a planet.
Only life, and the force of creation, evolution are able, find places, new environments, dealing with places and new situations, and adapt, to begin a new cycle of life, hopefully with more luck, they had other specimens, or other races.It will not be different in any corner of this universe.
Josef Bauer
Source: MRO HiRISE Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter \ SP_006268_1995_RED.NOMAP.browse
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter MRO HiRISE\ PSP_006268_1995_RED.NOMAP
Wallpaper: mars life side by side
Here I add a Web
report, which is extremely good, in his description of different forms of life. You have to read the whole article. I put some parts not more, to see, I'm not really wrong with my definition of life.
Josef Bauer
The Original Report, is in the Spanish language. ( below of my Translation )
Translation: Josef Bauer
NASA began to analyze the so-called "stromatolites" which are rock structures that consist of layers of seaweed mud inside.
"These organisms can be our best example of what to look for on other planets," said Brad Bebout, a researcher at Ames Research Center of NASA.
Stromatolites are, by definition, organo-sedimentary laminated structures (primarily calcium carbonate) adhered to the substrate, a product of the metabolic activity of microorganisms (mainly cyanoprokariotas cyanobacterial or algal), but also participate in the green algae carbonate precipitation.
Among the micro flora can also be found diatoms, fungi, crustaceans, insects, spores, pollen, red algae and sediment and fragments of all kinds. The organic variety depend on the type of environment they are growing: hypersaline, freshwater, intertidal, subtidal, etc.. They are rock structures and porous, rough surface-gelatinous product mucilaginous secretions.
On the surface algae grow while you are precipitating carbonates and trapping sediments, which after years will be consolidated as a rock. In this way the structure increases in size, horizontally and / or vertically.
The stromatolites may have many different forms: columnar, domal hemispherical, head shaped in the form of "bed" or "twinky wonder", cone-shaped shrub or as may be conical, blister or combinations form.
There stromatolites in any geological era (from the Precambrian), even today continue to grow in many parts of the world. In Mexico today stromatolites can be found in the lagoon of Alchichica, Pue., In Las Huertas, Mor., In Cuatrociénegas, Coahuila., And other towns of Oaxaca, Yucatan and San Luis Potosi.
La NASA comenzó a analizar los denominados "estromatolitos”, que son estructuras rocosas que consisten en capas de algas con lodo en su interior.
"Estos organismos pueden ser nuestro mejor ejemplo de qué buscar en otros planetas", explicó Brad Bebout, un investigador del Centro de Investigación Ames de la NASA.
Los estromatolitos son, por definición, estructuras organo-sedimentarias laminadas (principalmente de carbonato de calcio) adheridas al sustrato, producto de la actividad metabólica de microorganismos (principalmente cianobacterias o algas cyanoprokariotas), aunque también las clorofitas participan en la precipitación de carbonatos.
Entre la micro flora también se pueden encontrar diatomeas, hongos, crustáceos, insectos, esporas, polen, rodofitas y fragmentos y sedimentos de todo tipo. La variedad orgánica dependerá del tipo de ambiente en que estén creciendo: hipersalino, dulceacuícola, intermareales, submareales, etc. Son estructuras rocosas y porosas, de superficie rugosa-gelatinosa, producto de las secreciones mucilaginosas.
Sobre la superficie van creciendo las algas, al tiempo en que van precipitando carbonatos y atrapando sedimentos, que después de años se consolidarán como roca. De esta manera la estructura aumenta en tamaño, horizontal y/o verticalmente.
Los estromatolitos pueden tener muchas formas distintas: columnares, domales hemiesféricos, en forma de cabezal, en forma de "cama" o de "twinky wonder", en forma de cono o en forma de arbusto, pueden ser cónicos, alveolados o con combinaciones de forma. Existen estromatolitos en cualquier era geológica (desde el Precámbrico), incluso actualmente siguen creciendo en muchos lugares del mundo. En México pueden encontrarse estromatolitos actuales en la laguna de Alchichica, Pue., en Las Huertas, Mor., en Cuatrociénegas, Coah., y en otras localidades de Oaxaca, Yucatán y San Luis Potosí.
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