Spirit is not sure what he sees directly in front of him on his way. But this thing, what else, that a mountain can be? It can be a freak of nature in the formation of the entire landscape when there was formed incidentally this mountain. Simple may be the explanation, but both seemed to ... I dare not say, but, OK I say: This thing seems too to be a Dragon.
The thought is said!
Now I wonder, because many artists on earth know exactly how to make from ceramic or stone something that no longer exists on earth. Perhaps because the artist they have seen they elsewhere, perhaps on the planet Mars?
In the case of this picture below No. 2 / 5, I am submitting for the comparison between the thing around on Mars, and the work of art published on the website of dawanda, is surprisingly similar.
This art shows a sleeping dragon, but the image that the Spirit himself made, also shows a dragon.
There is the Dragon Spirit, asleep and dreaming of days of his youth, when he was in this blue planet hunting small animals.
It was a hard time, but now everyone was adapted and now living in caves on Mars. They are only going outside on sunny days to warm up.
Wallpaper 1024x768
No dragons, but if there are, there are!
Josef Bauer
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